Serious rasa mcam tengah bercinta hehe.
Contact papa through email lagi best, sbb ayat papa lagi berbunga2 compared to phone.
"waalaikumusallam my sweetheart..papa sihat walafiat alhamdulillah. job always got delayed so papa have to stay for another week, may be. InsyaAllah papa akn doakan untuk anah hadapi the final dgn tenang. papa rasa anah telah buat persediaan yang rapi utk hadapi the final..don't slack off, continue to fight until the final days, insyaAllah pas tu bertawakkal kepada Allah. Jangan lupa solat..papa miss anah, always. Nanti papa hantar duit untuk phone baru...need to have the phone to communicate w mama/papa at home ....wassalam."
sweet je papa. siap nk kirim duit for me to beli phone baru.
but I'm gonna reject the offer.
I love you so much papa n mama, lillahitaa'la.
eh, baru prasan papa call me 'anah'.hehe. it suppose to be 'angah' but I think the way I say it sounds like 'ana' or 'anah'.
weeeee~ saat tuk senyum non-stop akan bermula =P
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